A Summer with Orrin — Financial Independence

9 10 2018

Image result for freedom

Stick with me on this principle because it is deeper and higher than you would first think.  I will do my best to explain what I captured.

One would expect to hear that freedom is created when getting yourself out of debt.  There is no doubt that debt in your life becomes an anchor that controls your every move. If your debt is not affecting you and your decisions, it is only because you decided to become callus.

Let me explain.  After graduating college (undergrad and grad school) and getting married in 1999,  I had amassed $142,000 in student loans!  Crazy, I know.  I began to talk with everyone I knew about getting out of debt and the answer in return was “just get use to it”, “that is the way it is”, “you just move from debt to debt, so welcome to the real world”.  I heard this so much that I stopped thinking  about getting out of debt and just learned how to “get by”.  I would pay the payment each month and that was it.  I even added a mortgage and car loan on top of the student loans.  Living day to day became my M.O.  Never allowing myself to look at the big picture (because the big picture or big debt was overwhelming). This was truly hardening of my heart and mind to the possibility of freedom — I was becoming callus to it all.   Now, if you are at this point in your life, I understand.  You need to let a program like the Financial Fitness Program into your life. You need to  learn the basics and application of the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of finances.  It will have generational impact as it has with me.  Worst case scenario, you can be financially secure.

But what I learned from Orrin this summer, was on the far other side of financial freedom.  I watched a man who’s income is very public with the Income Disclosure Sheet of the Life Company, begin to answer, ” what legacies can I help and create to serve my fellow man?” He and his beautiful wife, Laurie, decided that their current properties and lifestyle had fulfilled many of their dreams, and now it is time to help this world be better.  What would it be like to say that you have been so blessed in so many ways that it is now your turn to bless. That God gave us time and finances to serve so let’s spend them in a worthy cause.  I know we all have a soft spot for some cause, big or small. How would you dent this world if you could.

I watched them dig deep into ONELife for Life. A mission that is out of Flint, Michigan and lead by Pastor Eric Stewart.  Its focus is to help bring babies to full term.  The mission had determined that a large number of babies lives were being terminated due to financial strain of the mother or father.  Isn’t that crazy!  Our finances can control life and death!  It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it.  Pastor Stewart and his church, ONELife, started filling the need for caring and finances for the mothers and the babies.  Orrin raised his hand and said that he is all in by becoming a main benefactor to the mission.  He also speaks out of the work that ONELife for Life does and uses his influence to attract more help.  What would it be like to be able to use your time, money, and influence for a cause the you personally find dear to your heart?

I watched Orrin assist a friend that was going through a very difficult moment in his life.  Orrin choose to be the “good Samaritan ” both spiritually and financially.  The situation required nothing of Orrin except loss, but he choose to help take on the burden.  Orrin did not weigh the loss verse gain financially. He only knew that his friend might break completely in the moment, so how could he just sit by and watch.  Wow! What would you do if you could serve even when it wasn’t warranted or deserved?  What could be your impact?

The principles of “service over money” and “impact over bottom line” became so evident to me this summer.  I watched with my own eyes as these principles came into fruition.  Orrin was able to completely put the financial question “how much can I spend” out of the equation.  He was in for the impact on those God had placed before him.  I observed him display what Paul says in Philippians “learned to be content “.   Orrin was content to give freely and completely.  He needed no other reason than “this is what we are called to do”.

We all so desperately need those like Orrin in our life.  We need to watch their coming and going.  We need to see their actions.  See the good that they are doing and realize it is not for show.  Their deeds make us stronger and create a desire in us to be better for Kingdom causes.  Get yourself an Orrin because they are out there right now serving people.

God bless, Aron

Steel the Mind, Tender the Heart. 

A Summer with Orrin

25 09 2018

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You’ve got to get your Orrin!  What an incredible time I have gained these past few months around a gentleman by the name of Orrin Woodward.  This is a gentleman that I have known for over 17 years,  but so much was gained recently that I feel like I really know him now.  His accomplishments are many including:  author, entrepreneur, mentor, life coach, father, husband, and friend.  More details you ask: co-author of Launching a Leadership Revolution – New York Times Best-seller; Co-Founder and Chairman of the Life Company – personal and professional development App; mentored Chris Brady ( Co-Founder of the Life Company and Best Selling author) into the Top 50 Leadership and Management Gurus list); an amazing 25+yr relationship with his lovely wife, Laurie.  And so much more could be said about him, but my prayer is that you gain some of the wisdom and experience I gained this summer that will be the seeds to a greater future for you and those around you.

To start, I must throw out on the table the rule of “freedom isn’t free”.  You may be tuning out right about now because this phrase gets used so much to justify sacrifice.  There is truth in that definition.  Many have died or been in bondage for our privileges.  Whether by fighting on domestic or foreign lands, by faith preached or acted out, or by strongholds erected or destroyed, our freedoms come at a price.  There is not doubt that our forefathers of all races have had to endure for the future we are part of.  But what I gained of this statement from Orrin was his voluntary giving of so much of his wisdom to me.  Wisdom of this world and how it works comes at a high cost.  Every time Orrin pointed to Scripture, pointed to a book, pointed to an experience in his past, or acted in a particular way, I realized that each deposit of wisdom was gained through much sacrifice of time and sometimes pain.  And he gave it to me so freely!.  I just had to be in his presence.  There is an old saying that states that people spell ‘Love’, T-I-M-E.  Maybe a strange concept for you “tough guys” to admit, but I realized how much this man loved me by his sacrifice.  To put it more in my terms: my free dumb ( costing me nothing and my ignorance to the truth) cost Orrin significantly but he gave it at no charge.  In a society focused on self, this type of attitude changed me.

I recently finished an incredible book by Gus Lee, “with Schwarzkopf — Life Lessons of The Bear“.  This book carries over the thoughts, insights, and character-building that Lee received from General Schwarzkopf over the course of 47 years.  The General took a failing Cadet from West Point and helped him see and strive for his greatness.  I believe Orrin Woodward started this process in me this summer. I was a man staring at goals and dreams knowing that I needed “a different”.  As God would have it, Orrin stepped in to be that difference for me and my family.  I may not get to all the life lessons that I gained this summer but I am going to attempt to share a few that impacted me the most.

Here is a brief summary of life lessons to come:

  • the power of Financial Freedom
  • the encouragement of a Father
  • being truly lead by God
  • the critical need for Critical Conversations
  • the value and pain of Pride
  • it is okay to be Real
  • the value of Hungering and Thirsting for Justice
  • finding Joy in all things

I pray that my next few articles will inspire and encourage you to find an “Orrin” so you can do what the best selling author and my friend, Chris Brady says ” Take [you] to the horizon”  of your future.

God Bless, Aron

Steel the Mind and Tender the Heart

Life Leadership: business plan and atmosphere

3 01 2014

As we come into the year of 2014, some people are resolute in improving their results from last year.  People are anxious to look inside themselves and find faults. The #’s of individuals who go out and get health club memberships and buy books in January is staggering.  But what is the results of this self-examination.  Usually by February, the workout facilities should become bars (this would continue to attract the new club members, 🙂 ) and the books assume their dusty realm of “I’ll get to it”.  Now, this is not new or even surprising information.  The question that lingers is that of “I want change but how?” or likely, “How do I stay consistent?”

Napoleon Hill (“Think and Grow Rich) and Robert Kiyosaki (Cash Flow Quadrants), both well-respected sages in the truth arena, wrote (over 60 years apart) that the atmosphere is most important aspect of improvement.  You become what you surround yourself with.  Good in = Good out, Bad in = Bad out.  They say it more eloquently, but you get the picture.  I am not trying to say that those around you are bad, or evil, or not good for you.  People just “don’t know what they don’t know” cause “if they did know, what they say they know, they would have different results, you know”.

There is an atmosphere of improvement. Whether it is improving your business or job results, improving your self-confidence, improving family and marriage skills,  gaining strength in your spiritual walk, understanding the deep principles of freedom,  or understanding the offense, defense, and playing field of finances, it all has to do with the environment you put yourselves in.  I believe that is all encompassed in the Life Leadership company.  I challenge you to prove me wrong.  Get around the likes of Orrin Woodward, Chris Brady, Bill Lewis, and Holger Spiewak and not improve.  Give yourself an adult time-frame (6 months to a year).  I bet the improvement is noticed much quicker! And I bet you stay consistent for a lot longer with the information you tune into.

Here is an example from Ed, who is a business owner for 19 years and initially, a true skeptic of Life Leadership :

I totally lost track of time last night watching movies with the kids.  Around eleven, I grabbed my phone thinking it must be close to ten and UGGGGH!  At that point I saw your text and got to thinking.  About expecting to win….. I’ve been around this organization long enough to know one can expect to win.  But what is a win and what is expectation, is what makes it a bit of a conundrum in my head.  The old adage you get what you expect is so true here.  If I get involved and do nothing, then I will surely get all the expectations that go with that effort.  But once I got busy reading associating and listening my expectations of a win started to clarify.  Through consistent effort to right the ship that is my thinking my expectation of winning grows bigger.  Like any endeavor without consistency it also can shape my expectation.  I can expect slow long coming results with this business if I don’t go make it happen.  Why still results?  Because this works and someone in your organization will step up and lead.  However, for me that’s not an option.  Expecting things, especially a big win in life is never fulfilled on luck and a prayer as they say.  It’s determination and guts that will bring home the win.  Recently I started reading A Whole New Mind.  So far it’s a great discussion about how we learn in this day and age.  About left brain mechanics and right brain art.  This “win” we talk of that is to be expected comes with not so much understanding the whole left vs. right brain argument, but rather by focusing on the practice of art with mechanics.  Dealing with prospects it’s the art that will drive them to do the mechanics that no one initially wants to do.  It’s a natural progression as with anything.  To get from point a to b requires c, so go do c and the wins will stack up.  But without the  art side driving us, the mechanics will and do bog us down.  For some the idea of a win isn’t expected and they’ll get exactly that.   Until we build the art side, “feed the elephant” so to speak long enough to change that expectation it will never change.  For me concentrating on expectation of a win is what keeps me looking for that next big leader that will benefit all our lives in our community from just being around them.  I expect myself to do the work for a win, I expect myself to be willing to talk through just about anything a teammate wants to discuss even if it doesn’t advance the ball immediately, I expect to have people be negative and outright ignorant about what I do, I expect that over time I’ll grow enough artistically that the mechanics will flow naturally, I expect that the next seminar is going to be the best because it’s there my newest teammate “sees” it.  I expect to struggle to keep tools flowing but constantly get better, I expect that this Tuesday is the one where a team member breaks out, and most importantly I expect to repay the efforts of my upline by paying it forward to the next individual willing to stand and say my time is now.  For all these expectations require effort and with the LIFE leadership community I can expect a win because it’s built on honesty integrity and character.    Oh and from my most recent lesson learned, you can expect to pay attention to time, it’s gonna pass whether or not you are noticing.  Sorry again about missing the call last night.  I know you would never bring it up negatively, but I hate the feeling of letting others down even if it’s something as simple as being involved with a call.   To this day when I’m late for work, I get all balled up inside like I’m going to get fired for being late.  I could only be so lucky eh?  lol 
Try it and you will like it.  “Hey! He likes it! Mikie likes it He really likes it!” (for my 80’s crowd)
God bless,  Aron Radosa
Steel the Mind and Tender the Heart

Dad and his daughters

8 10 2013

Recently an old friend called me and asked about how to talk to his daughter about becoming a woman.  To say that the question blew me back is an understatement.  His daughter is the same age as my oldest daughter(10 yrs old).  My mind was working in over-drive.  “She is too young.”  “She doesn’t need to know that stuff right now.”  “She isn’t developing yet.”  “Oh, wait Mary said that she was talking about a boy the other day.”  “She has heard the sexuality talk from her mom.”  “Is that enough.”  “My oldest, Hailie, said just yesterday on her way to school, ‘Why do babies have to come from S…E….X…?!'” AUGH!!!  As a dad, you dream of your daughter growing up and becoming great.  You imagine that she will always treat you as the king, but in the same stream of consciousness, you know she had better treat her husband as her #1.  But not for a long time in the future, RIGHT?!

My wife, Mary, is incredible at helping my thick skull see things differently.  Mary has encouraged me to tell my daughters how beautiful they are.  Each daughter takes from their father the aspect of their beauty.  A daughter is dependent on the compliments of their dad to establish and maintain a healthy view of herself.  Mary stated that “beauty comes from the father’s view and then transferred onto the husband at marriage”.   I have done my best to tell Hailie and now, Reagan (my two daughters) how gorgeous they are.  Great example:  Hailie was having a down day and Mary told me to remind her how beautiful Hailie is to me.  Reluctantly (because I was being told what to do), I said,”Hailie, you are gorgeous!”; a feeling I had but did not express out loud.  Her reaction was one of covering her face and walking away.   Mary said, “Do it again.  She loved it.”  So, a few hours later, I repeated my truth to her.  I received the same reaction.  But that night, Hailie snuggled up to me to watch a movie (something she did not do).  I was amazed and elated.  Boy, do our girls need us!

Now gentlemen, their beauty is determined by our perspective, but how about this “purity” thing.  Anybody out there like me?  You are loading your guns and sharpening your aim.  A boy with my daughter?!?—> BAM!  No more boy!  Only kidding, (sort of…)  That is my natural thoughts, but not very healthy or Biblical.  We have established in our household the mother’s role to talk to our daughters about sex and the father’s role to talk to my son.  But the purity thing is a dual responsibility.  And yes, I said, “your RESPONSIBILITY”.  Now I am not perfect nor am I seasoned on this perspective, but some of you readers may be.  In the movie, Courageous, there a great scene of a dad’s want to fulfill the role of a promise.  One of the fathers takes his daughter out to eat at a very elegant restaurant.  During the meal, he presents her with a “promise” ring and places it on her finger to remind her of God’s request and command for purity until marriage.  [Old fashion?  I think not. Just the truth] He promises to be there for her until she finds the one that she falls in love with that believes and maintains the same belief system.  At marriage, the ring will be replaced with a wedding ring.  The transfer is then given unto the new husband to be the stronghold and keeper of her beauty.

Now, I know that I have only scratched the surface of the thoughts.  It is a crucial area of importance for family and fatherhood.  Please tell me of your resources and experiences so we can become stronger as husbands, fathers, and leaders.

My Daughters

To tell you how I feel

Is a task great indeed.

To say you are part of my heart

is simply too small and bleak.

Your smiles and hugs

can blow away any storm.

But your beauty before my eyes

is God reflection in a form.

I ask of you

to grow towards your great.

and maintain the love of God

as bright in every state.

One request of you

and I will end this truth.

Be as great and beautiful

as your Mother has been to both me and you.


God bless,   Aron

Steel the Mind and Tender the Heart.

The True Hero and the NFL All-Star

8 04 2013

A lot of the readers out there including myself grew up as NFL wannabees.  We worked hard when we were young and continued that work through high school and maybe your hard work took you to college to play.  Either way, that dream lived for a lot of us to one day get into the big show, the NFL.  Just yesterday, my pastor turned me onto the amazing testimony of Jason Hanson, the place kicker for the Detroit Lions.  No matter what your thoughts are of the Lions, you have to give respect for this gentleman.  I looked up some of his statistics:  Over the course of his 20-year NFL career, he holds the NFL record for most games played with one team. He holds the NFL record for most 50+yard field goals. He also is tied or the most 50+ yard field goals in a single season. He is the first player in NFL history to score 2,000 points with one franchise and has the most career games with one team. His consistency and his accuracy defy reason. He is the first kicker in NFL history to go 8-for-8 on 50+yard field goals in a single season. He holds NFL record making 24 consecutive field goals of 40+ yards. Amazingly, after the 2010 NFL season, Hanson has only missed eight extra points in his 20 year career! In addition, he can be counted on when the game is on the line, accounting for 17 game-winning field goals.

Here is his thoughts on all that:

I’ve had a wonderful career. I’ve been to two Pro Bowls. I’ve kicked several game winning field goals. I’m proud to have been with the Detroit Lions my entire career, and I want to finish well.

DETROIT - SEPTEMBER 18: Jason Hanson #4 of the...My greatest struggle is not the pressure of making the kick when the game is on the line, or driving the ball deep on kickoffs. Actually, my greatest struggle has nothing to do with my performance on the field, or dealing with all the external elements. It’s an internal struggle. It has to do with not allowing my identity to be dependent on my performance.

God has used football and kicking to shape me. I don’t know how I could kick without my faith. God has given me ability and a mind to use. I find peace in knowing that. I train as hard as I can. I execute my technique as perfectly as I can. And if I miss, I know that God still cares for me and has a plan for me, and my identity does not depend upon a field goal.

Which is not to say that a missed field goal does not bother me. It does. If I miss, I’m more upset than anyone. But even if I lead the NFL in humiliation, I know that my hope is not tied up in what happens on the football field.

I grew up in a Christian family. I was a decent guy, and never visited the wrong side of the tracks. I didn’t come to Christ because I had hit the bottom. In fact, my story is somewhat the opposite. God worked through my success to draw me closer to Him. Success can be as big a test as failure. I began to experience how good it was to succeed. I was a consensus All-American my sophomore year at Washington State. I’ve signed nice contracts. I have a certain amount of celebrity. But I’ve discovered it’s all empty. It can’t satisfy. The greatest despair in life comes from reaching your dream and discovering that’s all there is.

I’ve always liked the Bible story of the rich young ruler, who had everything a person could want – fortune, good reputation, power and influence – but he was missing the most critical thing – a relationship with God.

Over the years, as I tasted success and found it empty, I have become more and more convinced that everything the Bible says is true, and Jesus is exactly who He says He is. In fact, I’ve based my entire life on Jesus being who He says He is – the Savior of the world.

Jesus said, “Come, follow Me.” And I have. And in Him alone I have found peace.   Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is something you can always rely on. I’m going to make mistakes, maybe miss a kick or whatever, but I know no matter what, I have my relationship with Christ. And that’s the most important thing of all.


Great stuff!  Do you think Jason claims that he is the hero of the story, or someone a lot bigger?  Most see his fortune, cars, and big house and believe it is only the skill and money.  Jason also has a marriage that lasts from 1992 and 3 children.   It makes one think.  No matter what you think of God and His Savior, you can’t deny the evidence.  You must get around people like Jason to truly see if it is real.  But where?  I get this opportunity with my friend and mentor, Bill Lewis .  He has all the success one would like, but consistently gives God the glory.  I would compel you to look into the depths of the Life Company.  Not the surface, but the heart is where the meaning lies.  They welcome your presence and your desire to be more.

God bless, Aron

Steel the mind and Tender the heart.

Leadershift….More than just a book

24 03 2013

LeaderShift: A Call for Americans to Finally Stand Up and Lead

This highly anticipated book by Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille is within weeks of publish date.  Those of you who have followed Orrin’s blog have likely been mesmerized by the little sampling from their book.  His recent article,

Jeff Daniels, American Freedoms & LeaderShift

may take you by surprise. (click on the title to go directly to the article)  Daniels uses language that is not “child-friendly”, but in an abrasive line of truth, he explains our “American Disease”.  I must compel the readers to watch the whole video or you will miss the point of it.  I believe this is the factor that prevents most of America from changing the downward spiral of freedom.  Most pull up or check out or turn off, when they should be driving forward.  Take a few short minutes and really take in the facts.

 Now do your future and the future of our country a service and watch the next video in the article.  What if we could take a small parable and bring it to life?  What if we could put our ego’s aside and started looking at the possibility of “shifting” our country’s future for the generation to come?  What if we could lead them to freedom?  I believe we have two men that have made a decision to give direction to the masses, because they choose hope over fear.  Won’t you join Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille and create a “Leadershift”? We can do our Duty to stop the Decline.   Because we can!

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816

God bless,  Aron

Steel the Mind and Tender the Heart.

Faker vs. Poser : More than the Same

25 09 2012

Chris Brady‘s [best-selling author of Launching a Leadership Revolution and Rascal] recent release through the Team system, “Depth or Psychiatry” struck a chord with me.  He has a statement of “Fakers vs Posers”.  The claim is one of “Fakers” will present a false self and make claims that they have achieved or gained something that they have not, while “Posers” are achievers in process, and have the look and mind-set to attain their goals.  This was brought to life on Saturday when I got a chance to take my son to an old fashion auction.  The items included garage stuff, farm equipment, and whole bunch of firearms.  Talk about a “man-sale”.  Tons of great stuff available, but also, tons of people watching. Everyone registers for a bidding number and talks the “big talk”- what everything is worth and how many items they will leave with.  As consistently as ever,  people act like they know something about something, but when the bidding starts, the “faker” shows the rest of the world he is missing the courage of his previous convictions.  His or her number never comes up in the bidding war.

Chris puts a stark difference between the words of faker and poser, and more important, the titles given to people.  As God would have it, Brady’s talk also aligns with the new release of Oliver DeMille‘s talk “The Culture of Freedom and How to Spread It!” [LIFE 62]. Oliver talks of 5 traits required to turn a nation toward freedom.  One of these traits is “sensus plenior” which means multiple senses.  This is the characteristic of looking at questions, objects, situations, and written words with multiple meanings not just one.  With my want to define both “poser” and “faker” only as the same, Chris raised my eyebrow to something significant different.

Let’s dive into these two titles and see where it leads us.

I first wanted to see how the world defines them.  Wikipedia defines “faker” as a charlatan, someone who fakes, and/or a person who makes deceitful pretenses.  This is a tough title to say the least, but we all seem to know a “faker” when we are around one.  John Eldridge, author of Wild at Heart, gives some insight by stating that every man’s deepest fear is to be exposed, to be found out, or to be discovered as an impostor and not really a man.  This brings back the meaning to the old 80’s song line by Billy Joel, “When that old stranger comes along” .  Some have a mask/false self that allows them to fit in with the “norm”, and as Chris Brady declares in Rascal, the “committee of They” determines the norm.   The problem is that no one knows who “they” are.  Most don’t want to feel like they are outside of the crowd.  But as I researched the data,  it became abundantly clear that the one that is faking knows for sure that they are playing a false game.  The “faker” appears to be self-imposed.  John Owen claims this mind-set  is like a strong castle with a treacherous party residing inside (ready to betray at the first opportunity possible).  The castle cannot be kept safe from the outside   enemy because the real problem is within.   If we are “fake” to our self, we will be eaten from within.  The “faker” knows it and labels themselves as what they have become.  Dale Carnegie states “when dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity”.

In contrast, Wikipedia defines “poser” as one governed not by the clothes, music, or make-up you wear, but rather by the state of mind and the conformity to their own beliefs.  This is an individual whom is original and self-guided, but gets labeled by others because they cannot see the individual’s vision.  Orrin Woodward once said that a man with a clear vision of his goals looks like a greyhound running after the rabbit around the track.  The only problem is that the spectators cannot see the rabbit.  The “poser” sees the world as it will be, but keeps their feet in reality, in order to get traction to move forward.  Sounds like we need more “posers” and less “fakers”.

Let’s do our part to turn the table toward “posers”.  Posing requires a vision, the clear image of an expected tomorrow.  As Lou Holtz proclaims, “every victory is won before the game is played”  It is about setting the expectation and adding courage.  Vince Poscente in the ant and the Elephant, puts it this way, “Make a commitment to positive dominant thoughts. Shift beliefs, attitudes, and truths so they are aligned with your vision. Envision having the goal rather than merely wanting the goal”.  Now take that commitment and focus on forward.  This is all mixed with a powerful dose of imagination.

Now, each step you take is like practice for the future and will be like “a drop in the bucket”.  With each drop,  the bucket gets closer to full which is the fulfillment of the vision.  Every great athlete or team makes their practices feel, look, and sound like the real thing.  “The more you sweat in practice, the less in bleed on the field” Marcus Lattrel.   Take a lesson from my son, Sam.  No matter the object, he can make his finger, his hand, a piece of wood, a stone, or any toy into a “real” race car.  Is he faking it or just planning for the future through what Einstein called, “the preview of life’s coming attraction”?  In my mind, Sam is a “poser” and you may need his level of imagination to see the truth.

Let’s end this with a great example from Gus Lee’s book, Courage.  –Major H. Norman Schwarzkopf was teaching a class at West Point during the author’s time as a cadet.  One day, the Major decided, “I will teach you the meaning of leadership and courage”.  The author knew that Major Schwarzkopf was a great man, and he was the academy’s most highly decorated combat veteran of the new controversial war in Vietnam.  He said ” Imagine that you and the troops for which you are responsible are on the international border. The enemy can cross it and strike at you without impunity.  But you can’t cross the border and  that order comes from the commander-in-chief.  Now every night, the enemy crosses the border to kill and wound your men, who are Vietnamese Airborne volunteers in your care.  And every night, you chase the enemy, but they escape at the border, where you stop, as you are ordered.  Here’s the question: when the enemy hits you again tonight, do you pursue them over the line?  Or do you follow orders and halt at the border?  The Major asked for questions.  Hands went up.  “If we cross it, will it start a new war?” No.  “If we cross the border, can we destroy the enemy?” Yes.  “If we cross it and get caught, are we in big trouble?” Absolutely. Your president will be very displeased. With you. Personally.  Gentlemen, [should you] STOP or GO?  The author and many others stated to “STOP” with the belief that one should ever disobey orders of the president.  A few wrote “GO” and the major smiled.  He said that there are two kinds of people in the world: leaders and careerists. Leaders have character. They act for what is right and would die for their men.  Careerists are self-centered, and self-absorbed.  They act out of selfishness and sacrifice their men for a promotion.  They save their skin instead of others’.  Careerists can’t lead.  Major finished by saying that leaders cross the border. Destroy the enemy to protect your men. Then they take the personal consequences to their career, knowing that they violated an order but acted for what is right. They feel pride in getting court-martialed and being reduced to private—

You choose–  Faker or Poser. Or as Major Schwarzkopf says, Careerist or Leader.

“Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every

man was such as you, and every life a life

like yours, this earth would be God’s paradise”

Phillips Brooks

God bless,  Aron

Steel the Mind and Tender the Heart.

Unified under a Creed

30 07 2012

Sometimes in the affairs of men there is a call for commitment outside of oneself.  A call that endows us to a Creator under a call.  Throughout history there always has stood men and women with causes that required more than a need for work ethic and persistence.  The strength of one is only improved by the strength of others going in the same direction.  When a group makes a decision to stop making a life and begin making a future for those they love, all the world adjusts and mountains can be moved.  If it be the will of God, we send this Creed out to a “few Stout-Hearted Men”.   The world depended upon them; They depended upon EACH OTHER.  God bless, Aron   — Steel the mind and Tender the heart

Band of Brothers Creed

I understand, that as a member of the Band of Brothers that I am part of a great tradition of honor, loyalty, service, unity, and winning.  I understand that, as a member of the Band of Brothers, that I have a great responsibility to uphold this tradition through my attitude, my words, and my actions.

I understand that the CULTURE of a team determines its success, destiny, and legacy.  As a member of the Band of Brothers, I commit to making our culture a winning culture, to be known around the world as what a unified team of champions should look like. As a member of the Band of Brothers, I pledge my SACRED HONOR to help BUILD and PROTECT this culture with my example, my character, and my commitment.

I Resolve….

To buy into the VISION that the BAND OF BROTHERS will be the team with best duplication and the best attitude.  I understand that the BAND OF BROTHERS’ goal is to become the TAPROOT of the TEAM, which is the BEST TEAM with the MOST LEADERS.  I fully understand that what we do now will determine our future for the next 20 years.  I understand that my goals, dreams, freedom, children’s future, country’s future, and ‘The LIFE I’ve always wanted’, all hang in the balance.

 To model the ‘HEART OF A CHAMPION’ through my attitude and my example.  I understand that there is a price for progress and I commit to pay it in full.  I commit to have the faith and courage necessary to believe in this cause and to deserve victory.  I understand that there are always 3 choices: give-in, give-up, or give it all you got.  I will always choose to GIVE IT ALL I’VE GOT.

To model the 4 E’s: Enthusiasm, Encouragement, Expectation, and Edification is attitude, words, and actions.  I understand that principle of ‘Zeal without knowledge is dangerous, but knowledge without zeal is dead”. I understand that as a member of the Band of Brothers, I need to be the thermostat and not the thermometer.  I will set the tone with ENTHUSIASM at all times, including every meeting I attend.  I will ENCOURAGE through acceptance, approval, and appreciation, and to never criticize, condemn, or complain.  I will work to adopt a NO NEGATIVE philosophy in my life and take it everywhere I go. I understand how important EXPECTATION is , and I will work to set a positive, winning EXPECTATION. I will be the example in expecting excellence, but never judge others.  I understand the power of EDIFICATION.  I will learn to speak all the good I can of others to their face, from stage and behind their back.  I will make a point to honestly edify others, especially my leaders with every chance I get.

To be the BEST STUDENT I can be by mastering the Team Tools, the Team System, and the Top 5 books.  No team will know, use, or promote the Team tools, the Team system, the Top 5 books, better that the Band of Brothers.  I know this begins with me.  I will be w walking, talking CD listening to and promoting machine.  I will work to listen, to know, and to promote the Team packs first, the Team system second, and the Life material third.  I understand how important people skills are and I will be ONE OF THE BEST AT DEALING WITH PEOPLE by reading the Top 5 books on a regular basis.

To master the BASICS of the 5 Step Pattern, Team Approach, Power Player, and Game-Planning.  I understand that DEPTH builds POSTURE AND BELIEF and I will never forget it!  I will strive to get in action and to master the 5 step pattern.  I commit to learning and practicing the methods of TEAM APPROACH.  I understand that POWER PLAYER has always been and will always be our play.  I know now that Power Player is my goal.  I know that it is important to have a Game-Plan and to Keep Score.  I understand, that in order to use a coach effectively, that I need to be showing plans and will work diligently to do so.  If I am showing 15 plans a month, I will seek out my coach with a HUMBLE and a HUNGRY attitude.  I will KEEP SCORE by drawing out my team and having it ready for my coach when we get together.  I understand that my team’s goal is to go 10 deep, and I commit to playing my part to hit this goal.

To be a PROFESSIONAL in all I do, which includes attitude, words, dress, and deeds.  I understand that 100% of what I do wrong and 50% of what I do right will be duplicated.  I realize that ATTITUDE MATTERS and resolve to have a great one everywhere I go, but at the time, to have GRACE for others who might be having a bad day.  I will dress sharp for all house plans, open meetings, and seminars.  I understand that 50% of success is just showing up, and therefore, I will strive to go to everything I qualify for: opens, challenge groups, seminars, leaderships, and promotions.  I will try my best to come early, sit as close to the front as possible, and stay late.  I will be the first to volunteer and encourage others to volunteer anytime the TEAM calls on the Band of Brothers, because I realize that this is my team too.  I live the principle of service before self.  I understand that not everyone is going to do what I’m willing to do, but nobody will ever do what I’m not willing to do.

To always have TEAM PRIDE: first for the TEAM, then for the Band of Brothers, and third for my division of the Band of Brothers.  I understand that LOYALTY and UNITY matter.  I will be the LOUDEST and the most ENTHUSIASTIC person at every event, and especially anytime the Band of Brothers or any individual Band of Brother is speaking,  recognized, or mentioned from stage.  I will have the courage to be the first to cheer and the last to stop.  I know that I am part of a very rare ‘Fellowship of the Heart’, and will not take this for granted.

To build and maintain SPEED OF TRUST with my leader and with my team.  This starts and end with LOVE, CHARACTER, AND GRACE.  I understand that character is doing the right thing despite the inconvenience, feeling, fear, or consequence.  I will strive to have my yes, always mean yes, and my no, to always mean no.  I will take pride in having a great speed of trust in all areas of my life including, but not limited to : words, respect, time, and money.  I will resolve any conflict with courage and grace anytime I see or sense a problem.

To build a ‘BATTLE CRY’ culture.  I understand the principle of ‘Iron sharpens Iron’ and therefore, I will strive to listen to Team Talks on my EBC, leave Team Talks, and promote Team Talk on a regular basis.

Lastly, I resolve to be one the many who are going to BUILD and PROTECT this winning BAND OF BROTHERS CULTURE.  I understand that it only takes a few Stout-Hearted men and women, with courage, commitment, and passion, to lead to 10,000 more.  I pledge to be a true TEAM-PLAYER, to have ENDURANCE when it gets tough, to understand the power of DUPLICATION & MOMENTUM, and to always be the EXAMPLE.  I will do everything in my power, God willing, to honor God, to serve my fellow-man, and to build and protect a culture that all the BAND OF BROTHERS can be proud of!!  THE BAND OF BROTHERS lead the way…..

“Give me some men

Who are Stout-Hearted Men

Who will fight for the right they adore.

Start me with ten

Who are Stout-Hearted Men

And I’ll soon give you ten thousand more.

Shoulder to shoulder, and bolder and bolder,

They grow as they go to the fore….

Life Lessons — An Epic Life

1 04 2012

Chris Brady, best-selling author and Leadership Guru, recently published a blog called “Life Lessons“.  I pray each one of you takes the time to read it and ponder some of its wisdom.  The statement that jumped out at me was “In my journal”.  How many of us keep a journal?  How many of us take the time to record our life?  How many of us take all the great triumphs and trials of life and record them?  How many of us wish we could remember that “one day” “when we did ___”?  Ever stopped to think about why?

Watch this video:Our Deepest Fear

I recently hit one of those mile-stone birthdays and started to think about what has been accomplished under the heading ‘Aron J. Radosa’.  Now, I am not here to get into some deep, philosophical trench on the meaning of life or the aches and pains of time lost.  I believe too many people spend their time on regrets and not on what is now and next.  Back to this whole journal thing,  John Eldredge, author of the best-selling, Wild at Heart, also wrote a book called, “Epic”.  It is a great illustration of what J.R.R.Tolkien wrote, “I wonder what sort of tale we’ve fallen into?” Anyone of history that has made a difference has written a journal.  “In his journal, we find…”  “His writings show us…”  “Her diary gave us a whole new perspective on …”  These statements are found throughout history.  They come from the present time as we look back to gain wisdom and truth.  With this in mind, why are we not writing down our life as we travel through it?

I think it stems from the feeling of insignificance that so many people feel.  Not many feel that they have a tale to tell.  It is as if we just move day-to-day without change.  And to journal this would be the definition of insanity, do the same thing over and over and expect change.  Who would care?  I WOULD!  Until I got around the founders of the LIFE company, I can honestly say my thoughts were more like, “who cares?!?”  But so many people do.  Your story brings life to others.  Being in the strong community that LIFE has created, brings me around true heroes everyday.  I love hearing the story of a trial and a triumph.  I love hearing the story of how people met each other.  I love the story of how someone’s career developed to this point.  I love to ask veterans about their experiences.  I am fascinated by YOUR story.  Now write it down!  Ronald and Nancy Reagan made a promise to each other to write down at least one sentence a day.  As they looked back on that thought, it brought forth the rest of the story ( a little Paul Harvey-ease).  It is as simple as that.

Now picture that wide-open vista.  The rolling hills or the armies stretched across the horizon.  You look to the right and the left and all that is needed is a nod of the head.  A gesture that says “I AM WITH YOU TO THE END”.  You hear the soundtrack of “Last of the Mohicans” or “Braveheart” or “Band of Brothers” playing on the wind.  You are the main character, and it is your story. You play your part.  And write it down for the world to know.

The Bridge Builder


An old man going a lone highway,
Came, at the evening cold and gray,
To a chasm vast and deep and wide.
Through which was flowing a sullen tide
The old man crossed in the twilight dim,
The sullen stream had no fear for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.
“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“You are wasting your strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day,
You never again will pass this way;
You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide,
Why build this bridge at evening tide?”
The builder lifted his old gray head;
“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,
“There followed after me to-day
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been as naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!
Our bridges of tomorrow,  lie in the life and words we leave for the next generation.  Wisdom through your experience will change someone else’s life.
God bless, Aron
Steel the mind and Tender the heart.

‘Act of Valor’

27 02 2012


I must say that some things are beyond words.  I just finished watching a movie called ‘Act of Valor’.  With respect for all military personal, past, present, and future, I can only say that I am indebted.   Thank you for displaying to the world that courage is an action not a feeling.  The film ended with a stirring poem by Shawnee Cheif, Tecumseh.

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion;respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.

I pray that truth always stirs you.  God bless, Aron

Steel the mind and Tender the heart.