The Power of a Community

3 03 2017

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Recently I have gained a tremendous friend in Mr. Anthony Waldrop.  He has an amazing history of pastoring a church for over 25 years,and being a business man, a father, and a husband. The letter below he wrote after experiencing the Life Company’s community.  Enjoy!!

Intro: The Following Information is my (Anthony S. Waldrop) observation of the intricate unveiling of the LIFE Leadership as observed by me, an outsider, with no previous or prior knowledge of LIFE Leadership, or any other class or similar type of business.

Oh the Funny part is, in my mind, I can read this in three voice, Orrin’s, Chris’s, and Bill’s! I love it. LOL


Revelation: a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.

    1. Revelation of INTEREST: When you come out to a Tuesday night, and are first introduced to the “Community,” right off the get-go you learn that there is real interest among the participates. It doesn’t take too long to see that there is an excellence that permeates the group. Respect, class and a genuine warmth is transferred between all the people, and visitors are treated kindly and made to feel comfortable and welcome. The fact that people take effort to dress well and treat the event as important is impossible to overlook.
    2. Revelation of “Presents” There is a special speaker there who has respect from the attenders with a measureable level of success, they are a person with “Presents”. They are a Leader in the group, a great communicator, with a great testimony and they have respect, and they should be paid attention to.
  • Revelation of “Excitement”: They have big and power packed events, and they have tickets in their hand and they are convinced you should go. Excitement is ingrained in these people, (at this point you’re unsure why).
  • Revelation of “Current”: A body of water or air moving in a DEFINATE DIRECTION. When you get to a “Major” you walk into a “WOW” atmosphere. As the weekend moves through its speakers you experience the “Current”. The “Current” is the mixture of Interest, Presents, Excitement, and now you add the “Direction”. Direction explains the movement of the event, everything is moving in the same direction; definition, understanding, teaching, exhortation which leads into the next Revelation…
  1. Revelation of “Purpose”: The reason something is done or created, the reason something exists. When Purpose begins to come into focus, there is a conflict of mind, people are trying to figure out if they are there simply as a consumer, or if they are there for more noble reasons. Those who don’t get this Revelation of Purpose, never get one step closer to escaping the Financial Matrix. Their stance is so defensive, and mind so cynical that they are endanger of “Paying the Devils toll ASW” for the rest of their life. This discovery of Purpose is a process, that is why the length of the event is important. It takes time to sink in, one speaker after the next, covering so many minds with so many favors of the same fruit, the Purpose starts to sink in. The PURPOSE is both DEEP and MULTI-FACETED, one facet of PURPOSE is to slay the “Giant”, to stop “Paying the Devils toll” asw (interest, overages, over draft fees etc.), Orrin actually made a reference to defeating the Financial Matrix and breaking its hold on us as a nation! I caught that, and I was like, wow, this man is a true Crusader! It is the realization that the Matrix can be made powerless in the lives of those who learn the Principles of LIFE. Another facet of the Purpose, is developing an offense that can “turn money from a Master to a Servant LLR” Then there is the Purpose of Charity, being a blessing, and the Purpose of living our Dreams. I’m sure there is more!
  2. The Revelation of Community: You would think that is understood earlier in the process, not for me. The “Following” the Fellowship, the Team Meetings, the caravans, and shared rooms, the interaction between the people, black, white, yellow, red, brown the Mennonite, the disabled the old and the young. There is a common cause that brings these folks together! A compensated community!
  3. The Revelation of Tutelage: Protection of or authority over someone or something; guardianship. I begin to see and understand that there is a “Guardianship” over LIFE. Orrin, Chris, and rest of the LIFE’s Leaders are literally, Watchers on the Wall over the company. There has been an investment of blood sweat and tears is LIFE. LIFE mean more to its Leaders than just a conduit of wealth, theirs a nurturing and great interest in the Purpose of LIFE. You understand that this Company is structured to Grow and set up for the benefit if the community. The Character of the LIFE Leaders are on display through their content. The identity of LIFE and its Leaders are not divisible!
  4. The Revelation of Mentorship: When I experienced the Mentorship in LIFE, when I was drawn into the meeting in the hall in KY, and Aron Radosa put his approval on the Band of Brother and elevated us and edified us, that was a good feeling. I discovered that I was in the present of a true Leader. Then I discovered that this very important man, this respected man, he was going to lead me and train me and teach me, and stay right there to help me get on track. When I sat in a living room and Julie and I got to talk to Bill and Keisha and hear Bill teach, like six feet away, I’m blown away. The Mentorship of LIFE is spot on. Too understand that I can tell a friend, hay, sign here and you get Aron too! Wow…. just awesome. When I saw the way Mary and Keisha treated Julie, and I saw the Women I love, receiving love from Mary at our home, and that it was real. I had the Revelation that these people were way more than just LIFE Employees. They were special.
  5. The Revelation of MY DREAM: I told Aron and Bill what had happen as John taught our last Tuesday. It was a combination of so much that I had been experiencing, but John drove it home so well. I had my Dream high-jacked, my Dreams were the victim of a “Dream Virus” right out of the Financial Matrix. I had reached my “Current” Dream status and it wasn’t good. I was living my Dream to just get by, and I was the master at it! L I really no longer believed that Julie and I could have an Amazing Home on a Private Lake and use it as a Hospitality House for struggling Marriages and Pastors in Crisis, to spend the last 20 so or years of my life sowing into people. Now I have that dream back thanks to LIFE Leadership. Except now I’ve added sharing LIFE as part of that Dream. Financial Freedom is the current path I’m on!
  6. The Last Revelation, The Revelation Difference: that Julie and I can make a difference on a much broader scale then we have in the past. Because we have the Content, the Commerce, and the Community to do it with!

The last two I see, but I don’t yet understand well enough to put do a thought.

11)The Revelation of compensation

12) The Revelation of Advance

Author of: MY TWELEVE REVELATIONS OF LIFE Anthony S. Waldrop 2/2/17

God bless,  Aron Radosa

Steel the Mind, Tender the Heart



2 responses

3 03 2017
Linda Miller

Couldn’t have said it better! I can hear him say it .😊 But I’m trying to catch my breathe 😉 He is a great speakers!!

4 03 2017
Shannon Bontrager

So well said Mr. Waldron, thank you for sharing! Great post Aron!

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